The Daily Grind Table of Contents Y'know, the more I think about it, the more I think the next story'll be told from Chief Henshaw's "point of view." He oughtta be a reliable narrator.
The Daily Grind Table of Contents I believe it was Arthur Dent who lamented at one point during The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy , "Why is no one ever pleased to see us?"
The Daily Grind Table of Contents Y'know, Malvolio, this story'd prob'bly be a lot shorter if you'd actually stick to it instead of breaking off to complain about it so often. Just a thought... And apparently I forgot to post this here last Friday. Oh, the huge manatees!
The Daily Grind Table of Contents Is it just me, or do these pages get longer the more vociferously Malvolio complains about writing them? More vociferousness next!