
Showing posts from March, 2023

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 12

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Face eating is an underappreciated art form, I always say.      Or, no, wait. I never say that...

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 11

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Well, that's my favorite kind of specificity...

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 10

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      I wonder who Alice is getting to pose as "the typical" Fae on these pages? The Household Fae there almost looks like Toch, and the Airborne could be one of the princesses, I suppose. Confidentially, I can't tell one from another without their hats or scarves or other accessories...

Terebinth, Page 1,718: Interstitial - Imperialistic

The Terebinth Story Archive      Or if not musical numbers, then at least adversarial villanelles...

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 9

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      I'm sure I've already linked to our 22nd storyline, " On a Clear Day ," where Alice meets her first supernatural folks—Coil and Eulatti, to be specific—so I'll use this space to link to the page near the beginning of the story where Yuli gives her the quote she attributes to him here.

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 8

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      I do hafta say that Alice's writing kind of reminds me of Robert Benchley's here and there. Wonder why that'd be?

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 7

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Why do I spend so much time talking about fictional religion when I could be talking about fictional romance? I sure don't know...

Terebinth, Page 1,717: Interstitial - Imperialistic

The Terebinth Story Archive      I suppose we should be expecting a few musical numbers, then...

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 6

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Alice sure is throwing around a lot of proscriptions...

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 5

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      And, I mean, what can you do with magic anyway?

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 4

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      If anyone would like to peruse Alice's first encounter with the Nulla Lucis and her minion, Dr. Chalmers, please feel free to visit our 13th storyline, " Tools of the Trade . That, then, led to Alice's second and more personal encounter with her during our 22nd storyline, " On a Clear Day ," but that's that one Alice doesn't remember all that clearly...

Terebinth, Page 1,716: Interstitial - Imperialistic

The Terebinth Story Archive      I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if I had a nickel for every time I've wandered into a comic opera, I'd owe someone quite a lotta nickels...

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 3

The Daily Grind Table of Contents       There's the explanation of the title! Whether it was worth the wait or not, I'll leave up to the reader.

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 2

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      And I guess she won't be explaining the title on the second page, either. Let's give her one more chance, shall we?

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 1

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Huh. I guess Alice isn't gonna explain the title on the first page here. Maybe tomorrow?

Terebinth, Page 1,715: Interstitial - Imperialistic

The Terebinth Story Archive      Eleven years ago today with page 1,124 , we stopped doing the comic here at Terebinth and began what was meant to be a temporary bit of metatheater called Interstitial . And here we are, still stuck inside it! And pirate ants, too!

Daily Grind: The Wild Hunt, Pg 45

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Which does it for this storyline. Next, we turn to Doc and Alice as Alice tells us how the two of them have been getting along since the wedding that we sort crashed around the edges of during our 122nd storyline, " Nuptials ." "Honey or Cheese?" will be kicking in around here on Monday, hopefully with an explanation of the title...

Daily Grind: The Wild Hunt, Pg 44

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      One more day to live happily ever after, people! Let's get a move on!