
Showing posts from April, 2023

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 24

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      I know that I've always found this comic to be pretty scary.

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 23

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      'Cause it's not like any of this stuff's fiction , after all...

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 22

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Because it wouldn't be a Daily Grind story if we weren't redefining some word or other in a very specific way...

Terebinth, Page 1,722: Interstitial - Imperialistic

The Terebinth Story Archive      I've said it before, and I'll say it again: this comic's always been all about the hat jokes and the bug jokes.

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 21

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Well, now that we're halfway through the story, maybe we can actually get to the story . Next week, I mean, of course...

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 20

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      As I think I pointed out earlier, Doc took over as Sarx Wielder during our 57th storyline, " Forgery ." Feel free to review.

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 19

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Alice and the rest of Our Heroes actually met the ghost of Red Chilliri near the end of our 110th storyline, " Glottal Stop ," and he played a pivotal role in our 111th storyline, " Sibilance ," too.

Terebinth, Page 1,721: Interstitial - Imperialistic

The Terebinth Story Archive      I'm gonna guess that Scott and this pirate captain know each other. Because, I mean, doing a sonnet like that with a complete stranger? Impossible!

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 18

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      So much history!

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 17

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      To read more about the Batrachonesian Amphora, I'll direct the interested reader back to our 6th storyline, " The Batrachonesian Amphora ." There's more about the Batrachoi there, too.

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 16

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      If anyone would like to review the history of Sarx, feel free to start with this page and following from near the end of our 24th storyline, " A Long, Long Trail A-Winding ," where Sarx makes its first appearence, then read through the entirety of Book IX: Rhapsody , before skipping ahead to our 57th storyline, " Forgery ." Or, y'know, just wait till the next page when Alice goes through it all...

Terebinth, Page 1,720: Interstitial - Imperialistic

The Terebinth Story Archive      When two ants wearing funny hats meet, it's look out, world!

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 15

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Everything we know about the wedding so far comes from our 122nd storyline, " Nuptials ," and that was Malvolio, an admittedly unreliable source, telling it to us. So maybe we'll finally get some actual info here!

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 14

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      I suppose I could've drawn 11 or 12 of the magical types we've featured here in the comic, but eight seemed plenty to me.

Daily Grind: Honey or Cheese? Pg 13

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      If folks are keeping score, Alice first talked about how magic isn't magic back on page 6 of our current symposium.

Terebinth, Page 1,719: Interstitial - Imperialistic

The Terebinth Story Archive      Ah, yes. The rondeau redouble' . Or however it's spelled.      And while I always think of January 1, 1997 as the day I started Terebinth 'cause that's the day I drew the first page , there's more to it than that. April 3, 2003, for example, twenty years ago today, was the day I started posting Terebinth at after the collapse of the late, great Chimerical Comics website. So let's call this one of our several 20th anniversaries, shall we? Yes, I say, we shall!