
Showing posts from September, 2024

State of Play, Pg 22

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      I think we managed to deal with all our main characters' histories back during the comis here was still an actual comic instead of the series of illustrated novellas it's become. Mrs. Teasdale's past came out in our 3rd storyline, " Chrysalis ," Tharka's in our 4th storyline, " Dust Bunny ," and Howlett's in our 5th storyline, " -30- ." We never really explored Doc's childhood, now that I think about it, but his parents stopped by a couple times—our 29th storyline, " Patrimony ," I think, was the first time. And Jolene's past is scattered all over the place. That seems appropriate...

Terebinth, Page 1,797: The Ballad of Shurra & Blatt

The Terebinth Story Archive      It's always nice to get this stuff figured out.

State of Play, Pg 21

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Jo went to visit her parents in Hell during our 48th storyline, " Hierogamia ," specifically starting about halfway through and running to the end.

State of Play, Pg 20

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      So much running and looping and burning...

State of Play, Pg 19

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      And so we move into the 20th Autumn of Daily Grind activity the way we usually do: little talking animals stomping around while grimacing in unhappiness. It's kind of a motif, I guess.

Terebinth, Page 1,796: The Ballad of Shurra & Blatt

The Terebinth Story Archive      Looking at the bottom of the page, I'd say we've got a Big Round Number coming up here in a month or so. That'll probably mark some sort of transition in the story, I reckon.

State of Play, Pg 18

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      If anyone would like to review the circumstances behind Jolene's 18th birthday and her and Howlett's first date, all the explosive details are presented in our 24th storyline, " A Long, Long Trail A-Winding ."

State of Play, Pg 17

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Going in by the front door? How quaint...

State of Play, Pg 16

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Kids? Don't try this at home.

Terebinth, Page 1,795: The Ballad of Shurra & Blatt

The Terebinth Story Archive      Miss Annekke? Wait a minute, Lamont: I thought we were still talking about whether Esther should eat you or not.      Still, I can't resist an adversarial villanelle...

State of Play, Pg 15

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Could it be that cooler heads are about to prevail? I mean, we are at the end of Act I or our current three-act melodrama.

Another Poem

     There's another poem of mine over on the Silver Blade website. It's a pantoum in iambic tetrameter if you wanna get all fancy about it, and it's also a story about cutting your losses when it's time to get out. " One Last Pie in the Face " is the title, and it's the 8th poem I've had over there since 2017 including " Ode to the Artistic Temperament ," an iambic pentameter ode in terza rima that tied for 3rd place in the Long Form category of the 2020 Rhysling Awards.      I've got a short story that'll be available for purchase in a couple weeks, too, but more about that when it happens.                                         Mike

State of Play, Pg 14

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Relationships are so fraught. I mean, I guess: I've never actually been in one...

State of Play, Pg 13

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Why's Howlett gotta keep bringing things like "love" and "trust" into what oughtta be a simple heist?

Terebinth, Page 1,794: The Ballad of Shurra & Blatt

The Terebinth Story Archive      "Raging Squirrel"? Wasn't that a Robert DeNiro movie?

State of Play, Pg 12

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      I could use a couple secret plans about now. But instead, I guess we'll all just reconvene on Monday for the next page!

State of Play, Pg 11

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      How many guesses does she get?

State of Play, Pg 10

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      It's just as well: I think I used up all my "Gaah!"s last time...

Terebinth, Page 1,793: The Ballad of Shurra & Blatt

The Terebinth Story Archive      I'm sure this whole thing will turn into a crime drama eventually...