
Showing posts from March, 2025

Of a Feather, Pg 45

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Ever since I switched from doing these stories as comics to doing them as illustrated novellas almost five years ago, they've all gone 45 pages. This one, though, will be stretching possibly to 75 pages. Just to shake things up, I guess...

Two Bits of Poetry-Related News

     First is an award I'm preliminarily nominated for, and second is an online poetry reading I'm participating in.      Back in September, I sold a poem called " One Last Pie in the Face " to the folks at the Silver Blade webzine. Now, it's apparently been nominated to the preliminary ballot for this year's Rhysling Award, given out by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association. It's in the "long poem" category, so it's near the bottom of the list on their webpage. It also still has to make it through the panel of jurors to get onto the final ballot. So more bulletins as events warrant.      Something that's more likely to happen, however, is coming up on April 13th. I've been invited to take part in the Speculative Sunday poetry reading series . The organizer asked me to have 16 to 18 minutes of poetry ready to read during the course of the hour-long Zoom session, and tickets are free, so well ...

Of a Feather, Pg 44

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      All this smoke and Ash Wednesday? How appropriate!

Of a Feather, Pg 43

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      I spent a fair amount of time over the weekend looking back through the previous twenty years of the comic to see if I ever gave the currency these talking animals folks use a name. I couldn't find any indication that I did, though, so here we are with a fifty-dollar bill being brandished instead of, say, a fifty-platron bill or something like that. Oh, well...

Terebinth, Page 1,819: The Ballad of Shurra & Blatt

The Terebinth Story Archive      Miss Annekke's demonstrated her hunting prowess in the comic before, usually when she's grabbing Esther, as a matter of fact...