
Crown Moldering, Pg 38

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Rather than wheels within wheels, we have pictures within pictures, apparently...

Crown Moldering, Pg 37

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Well, they certainly don't look monstrous to me , but then I might just be slightly biased.

Terebinth, Page 1,787: The Ballad of Shurra & Blatt

The Terebinth Story Archive      Oftentimes, a little narration will go a very long way...

Crown Moldering, Pg 36

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Uncouth? Thy name is Howlett.

Crown Moldering, Pg 35

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Again, if folks would like to read the more prosaic version of these events, Howlett and Jo tell each other their parts of it during the beginning and end of our 37th storyline, " Second Date ."

Crown Moldering, Pg 34

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      We've seen Howlett behave as if he's manfesting the occasional extra personality here and there, most plainly in our 126th storyline, " Slipskin ." Ah, the perils of a bifurcated intellect...