
Of a Feather, Pg 19

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Maybe we'll see what our main characters have been up to lately?

Terebinth, Page 1,811: The Ballad of Shurra & Blatt

The Terebinth Story Archive      At least they've got a bannister on their stairway there...

Of a Feather, Pg 18

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Must be the end of Act II: we're finally talking about some of our main characters maybe appearing.      Not till next week, of course...

Of a Feather, Pg 17

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      And here we are, jumping off the roof into Daily Grind 's Twentieth Anniversary Year! Even though the comic's not daily anymore—isn't really a comic anymore, either, for that matter—well, here it still is! That counts for something, right?      Right?

A New Short Story—Or Semi-New, At Least

     Just over ten years ago now, I wrote a piece of My Little Pony fanfiction called "Collaborators." Hopefully this news doesn't shock anybody too much.      I've actually got two pseudonyms that I use when writing what the kids call "MLP fanfic." The first one, AugieDog , is where I post the general stories I've put together in response to the fourth iteration of the My Little Pony franchise, the one that's subtitled "Friendship is Magic" and was created by a genius of the Western animated arts, Lauren Faust. And the second pseudonym, Baal Bunny , is where I post Pony items that I write as part of the assorted Writeoff contests, a writing workshop that, up until the Pony cartoon went off the air just over five years ago now, was quite a bustling little community.      Nowadays, half the time, I'm the only one submitting stories in answer to the prompts over there...      But ...

Of a Feather, Pg 16

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      The most we've ever heard about Rengain Tswee Gweet came all the way back near the beginning of our 82nd storyline, " Safety Net ." 'Cause nothing ever goes to waste 'round these parts!