
Showing posts from December, 2021

Daily Grind: Deliverance, Pg 42

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      This may be the end of the year, but our current melodrama's got one more week, then we'll be journeying to the South Seas for some warmth, some frogs, and some spiders: "The Transitive Property," the story'll be called, I reckon.

Daily Grind: Deliverance, Pg 41

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      We're learning so much about monsters lately!

Daily Grind: Deliverance, Pg 40

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Oh, that passionate, impulsive Coil!

Terebinth, Page 1,653: Interstitial - Immunity

The Terebinth Story Archive      We've seen our title character fairly recently in the comic, but I don't think Sean and Anson have been around since the play our characters performed that started on page 1,360 and ended on page 1,480 over three years ago now. I reckon we'll be seeing more of them as we get into the new year, though!

Daily Grind: Deliverance, Pg 39

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Two more weeks of the story here, so let's have some leaping about! And a Merry Christmas to all!

Daily Grind: Deliverance, Pg 38

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      I'm sure it'll be fine, Dodger: these guys have seemed pretty reasonable so far...

Daily Grind: Deliverance, Pg 37

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Showing once again the vital importance of reading comic books...

Terebinth, Page 1,652: Interstitial - Immunity

The Terebinth Story Archive      I somehow don't think anyone's gonna mistake this for West Side Story ...

Daily Grind: Deliverance, Pg 36

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Into the final act of our current melodrama! Next week, I mean...

Daily Grind: Deliverance, Pg 35

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Coil and Dodger just seem destined not to get along...

Daily Grind: Deliverance, Pg 34

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Excuse me, Coil, but I believe the correct hyphenate for Dodger is "ghost-golem-zombie-monster." Because we strive for accuracy here at Daily Grind .

Terebinth, Page 1,651: Interstitial - Immunity

The Terebinth Story Archive      Everybody polka!

Daily Grind: Deliverance, Pg 33

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      Monsters, as they say, are the most interesting people.

Daily Grind: Deliverance, Pg 32

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      I'd forgotten how hard it is for me to get that orange color into things around here...

Daily Grind: Deliverance, Pg 31

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      As you can see, Her Ladyship has worked with Our Heroes before...

Terebinth, Page 1,650: Interstitial - Immunity

The Terebinth Story Archive      Well, it got a "heh" out of Sammy. That's something...

Daily Grind: Deliverance, Pg 30

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      I'm afraid explanations'll hafta wait till next week, Your Ladyship.

Short Story Collection

     It's been thirty years now by my reckoning since I first sold a short story for actual money and decided that I wanted to keep doing that.      Of course, growing up on a steady diet of Margery Sharp's Miss Bianca books and Larry Niven's Known Space series, I was sure that my future lay in novel writing. Grand visions of multi-volume talking animal science-fiction and fantasy adventures filled my noggin, books that spanned both star systems and alternate dimensions, but, well, it doesn't seem to have turned out that way.      Instead, it's been the shorter stuff that's really pulled at me, and to commemorate the aforementioned thirty years, I've put together a collection and titled it E is for Eggplant . The cover image above will show you the titles of all the included stories and the picture of Orel the rachnoid with one of his beloved eggplants originally drawn by Marilyn Scott-Waters to illust...

Daily Grind: Deliverance, Pg 29

The Daily Grind Table of Contents      And now philosophy? What's going on around here?