Short Story Collection

     It's been thirty years now by my reckoning since I first sold a short story for actual money and decided that I wanted to keep doing that.

     Of course, growing up on a steady diet of Margery Sharp's Miss Bianca books and Larry Niven's Known Space series, I was sure that my future lay in novel writing. Grand visions of multi-volume talking animal science-fiction and fantasy adventures filled my noggin, books that spanned both star systems and alternate dimensions, but, well, it doesn't seem to have turned out that way.

     Instead, it's been the shorter stuff that's really pulled at me, and to commemorate the aforementioned thirty years, I've put together a collection and titled it E is for Eggplant. The cover image above will show you the titles of all the included stories and the picture of Orel the rachnoid with one of his beloved eggplants originally drawn by Marilyn Scott-Waters to illustrate the first ebook edition of my story "The Language of Ghosts" and here redrawn by my brother Tom since the only version of the image I still had on my various computational devices was about the size of a postage stamp.

     So if you'd like to read some of my favorite of my own stuff, it's now available both in a Kindle edition and printed on actual paper.



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