The one poem that's free to read: Is actually seasonal, too! Though technically, you can't read it. You can only listen to me read it. It's called "Hallowe'en Weather," and it's up now as part of the 2024 SFPA Halloween Poetry Reading . It's a little more than halfway down the page and has the picture you see here beside it. I put the image together from a couple public domain drawings I found on the internet. The poem that you have to pay to read is in issue #128 of the magazine Dreams & Nightmares . The ordering instructions , as near as I can tell, don't say how much it is for a single print copy of an issue, but it's $1 for a PDF. I haven't actually seen the issue yet, but a look at the table of contents makes me think the editor may have left my middle initial out of my byline. The poem's called "A Ballade of Intestinal Flora," and it's also kind...