Daily Grind, Book XVI, Pages 345 & 346

Book XVI is Boundless and Chapter 6, the 96th storyline overall, is "Centerpiece."
These pages are the update for Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

The Daily Grind Table of Contents

     Hold that thought, everyone!

     'Cause with these being the pages for Wednesday, August 16th, 2017, we've leaped a week Forward in Time. And we'll be holding here through till the actual 16th of August when I return from attending the big My Little Pony fan convention known as Bronycon in Baltimore. Unless, y'know, I'm kidnapped by the ghost of Edgar Allan Poe again...

     Oh, and if you'd like to review what Toch Kreelnyik's all about, take a look through the previous fifteen books--or at least, let's say, our 60th storyline, "Waxing and Waning."


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