Plague Year Poems Collection

     Folks who care to cast their recollections back to the heart of the recent and ongoing pandemic may remember that I was writing a poem a day there for a while. From March 22, 2020 through June 7, 2021, to be precise: the whole magilla ran for 443 days. Or at least for 443 poems...

     They'll always be available for free reading on the Plague Year Poems page, but for those who might be yearning for something a bit more physical, something upon which coffee can be spilled and which which ants may be dispatched, let me suggest a copy of the trade paperback edition.

     Oozing into existence over the past few weeks, the book sports artwork on both front and back by my imminent brother Tom—about six months into the writing process, he called me to say that he had the perfect cover for the eventual collection, but when it came time to put the book together, it turned out he had closer to four perfect covers. Some judicious cutting and pasting, however, consolidated things nicely, and now Plague Year Poems: A Poem a Day for the Duration: March 22, 2020 through June 7, 2021, complete with two functioning colons, is available for $9.50 through Amazon's web-based structures.

     I haven't got any current plans for a Kindle edition since I'm not sure how such a thing would work with poetry, but I'll do some experimenting and see what happens. That continues to be our motto 'round these parts, after all: what could possibly go wrong?



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