And One More Short Story

     I mean, there'll hopefully be more short stories from me yet to come, but here's one more for this month.

     It's another fantasy story, and of course it's got talking animals in it. "The Ring of Destiny," it's called, and it's in issue #146 of Space & Time magazine. They asked me to record a one-minute video in which I talked about myself and the story and then read a little from it. That seemed like a lot to do in a minute, but I managed to put something together even though I go the issue number wrong at the beginning of my spiel. I wasn't willing to subject anyone to a minute focused on my gruesome visage, though, so I—

     Well, you can take the link in the previous paragraph and look at it if you want to. It's a Facebook video, but I think folks can view it without having to log in.

     I recorded it with my little flip phone, so the audio's a little quiet and mushy. That's fitting, however, since I myself am rather quiet and mushy.



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