Crown Moldering, Pg 1

The Daily Grind Table of Contents

     A crown of sonnets, if I'm remembering right—and please, go look it up on Wikipedia and check me—is a collection of sonnets where the 2nd sonnet starts with the last line of the 1st, the 3rd starts with the last line of the 2nd, the 4th starts with the last line of the 3rd, and so on until the last sonnet ends with the first line of the 1st. If you wanna get extra fancy, you write 14 sonnets in this way, then take the 14 repeating lines from the whole sequence and stack them into a 15th sonnet. That, then, is what they call a heroic crown of sonnets.

     We're not doing any of that here. Howlett has little use for crowns, a subject that I'm sure'll come up during the next 15 weeks. So it's iambic pentameter ahoy!


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