Supporting KUCI

I post the playlists:

     From my weekly radio show here and there every Sunday evening for those who, unable to listen to the program live from 4PM to 6PM Pacific time at KUCI, 88.9FM in Irvine, CA, want to recreate the experience in the comfort and convenience of their own homes.

     OK, maybe that's not why I do it...

     Still, the radio station's one of those "public service" operations, run mostly by the students at the University of California at Irvine, a category I first fell into 40 years ago. I no longer qualify under that particular rubric, but the station allows a certain number of "community members" to participate, and I've been doing the show on that basis since I snuck off with my M.A. back in 1989.

     And if today was still April 16th, 2024, you could've clicked on the big picture of the record albums along the top of this post. That would've shunted you off to KUCI's section of UCI's E-Giving Site, and there, you could've pitched some money in KUCI's direction.

     If you click now and dig around on the site, though, you can still find ways to send KUCI money, I'm sure. Consider it an adventure!



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